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posts dated from: january 2013

Just a Doodle

Hey! I'm going to start posting tiny blog posts here instead of trying to hold off until I have mountains of text to type. I want to get into the habit of actually updating this thing and posting stuff that I'm making, or whatever. So with that, here's a doodle from the other night.


This is actually the first thing I've really drawn since the beginning of 2013. Been busy with game stuff for the whole month, I guess!

2012 JayisGames Awards

2012 JayisGames Awards
A few weeks ago Offspring Fling was nominated for an award over on JayisGames.com for best indie platformer of 2012. I didn't really think much of it since there was some pretty fierce competition in the category, but the other day I woke up to an email congratulating me on my win!

Well fancy that! I don't really know how this happened, but in the end all that matters is that I have a fancy gold coin internet image to display to everyone in the world. Thanks to everyone that voted for Offspring Fling!

Global Game Jam 2013 - Timelapse

Global Game Jam 2013 - Timelapse

Ended up making a game for Global Game Jam 2013. I went to the Phoenix location at University of Advancing Technology (the only location in all of Arizona!) The games were judged locally and I ended up getting first place overall, yay! I won 48 gigs worth of flash drives. Not bad!

The game isn't really in a state where I want to release it just yet. I might want to take this one and make it into something bigger and better... but I say that about all my jam games. This one is different though! ... I think.